From California for California
Bring California Native Sod™ into your Landscape and Receive Numerous Benefits
Native Sod Varieties Blend Comparison Charts Maintenance Guides
Native Mow Free™
- Idaho fescue – Festuca idahoensis
- Molate fescue – Festuca rubra
- Western Mokelumne fescue – Festuca occidentalis
A versatile grass that can be maintained as a turf lawn or left un-mowed to create a meadow like appearance. This blend is specifically designed for areas that receive up to 50% daily shade.
Native Bentgrass™
- Agrostis pallens
The industry’s 1st choice for native lawn areas. It requires consistent mowing at 11/2” to 2” resulting in the appearance of a traditional lawn. This variety thrives in full sun or partial shade and will tolerate low impact foot traffic.
Delta Grassland Mix™
- Slender Hairgrass – Deschampsia elongata
- Molate fescue – Festuca rubra
- Junegrass – Koleria macrantha
A premium soft grass with emerald green color, that provides a unique European look when used in ornamental and roof top gardens.
Native Preservation Mix™
- Junegrass – Koleria macrantha
- Purple needlegrass – Stipa pulchra
- Nodding needlegrass – Nessella cernua
- Molate fescue – Festuca rubra
The complex beauty of this dark green fine textured grass is showcased in the rolling meadow effect it demonstrates.
Biofiltration Sod™
- Purple needlegrass – Nasella pulchra
- Molate fescue – Festuca rubra
- California barley – Hordeum californicum
- Meadow barley – Hordeum brachyantherum
A combination of dryland and wetland species that can tolerate drought conditions and limited amounts of standing water. Also provides excellent stabilization and erosion control.
Blend Comparison Charts
Compare our Native Sod Blends to find the right fit for your project.